Dandelions are grown in special plantations in France, Austria, Holland, Germany, India, Japan and the USA. The French – for medical salads, jams, wine and even pickling. Young dandelion leaves have practically no bitterness at all. Salads and sauces are made from them. By the way, tender pickled dandelion buds taste like capers. Exotic jams are made from the flowers, and an excellent drink is made from the roots, somewhat reminiscent of coffee.
Dandelion is an undemanding plant, but it contains half of the useful chemical elements of Mendeleev’s table. Those are potassium, sodium, manganese, aluminum, iron, copper, calcium, as well as vitamins A, B, E and C. Since ancient times, dandelions have been called the “elixir of life”, which helps reduce pain, stomach acidity, stimulates urine, promotes sweating, has an anti-inflammatory and tonic effect.
Nettles are a source of health Stinging nettle (urtica dioica) is a perennial plant that spreads by itself and grows in roadsides, forests, everywhere where gardeners can’t get them out and can’t reach them. Nettle is considered a weed that severely punishes anyone who touches it. But at all times it has it’s admirers.
The healing properties of nettles have been known for a long time. The Persian doctor and philosopher Avicenna wrote about them thousands of years ago, and it occupies the most honorable place in the folk medicine of various countries.
Nettle leaves, roots and seeds have medicinal properties. Today, nettle tea is mainly used as a tonic and metabolism booster. Even with a cold or flu, it is advisable to drink nettle tea. Although it does not directly treat cold symptoms, it increases the body’s resistance and ability to overcome diseases.
The biggest advantage of nettle leaves is the abundance of valuable elements in them. For example, nettles contain 5 times more vitamin C than a lemon, 10 times more than an apple. There is 5 times more carotene than in carrots. In addition, there are vitamins К, B2, as well as iron, copper, manganese.
The leaves of young plants are used to make salads and soups, but don’t forget to rinse them with boiling water first. Cosmetic products such as shampoos, creams and skin cleansers are also produced. Their decoction is rinsed in the hair, it stimulates their growth and makes them stronger.