Light pollution is a phenomenon that arises from excessive and improper lighting in public and private spaces. As a result, much more electricity is consumed than is needed. This leads to the burning of more fossil fuels to generate electricity, which results in the release of additional greenhouse gases. Excess light can also interfere with other things.
Night Sky
Depending on where you live, the night sky may look completely different. Due to excess light in many places around the world, not just in cities, you cannot see even our own galaxy with the naked eye. To see the Milky Way, as well as other galaxies and stars, you need to go to special places. It also makes astronomical observations with a telescope more difficult.
Artificial light also has a negative impact on animals. Birds become disoriented during migration and often die. Turtles, which follow the light of the moon, also don’t know where to go. Light also attracts insects, which die upon contact with bulbs.
Therefore, to reduce light pollution, it is necessary to take action to reduce the excess light emitted in public and private spaces. This can be achieved by using more efficient and energy-saving lighting systems, using special anti-glare shields, and by educating the public about the impact of light pollution on health, the environment, and wildlife.